The lifespan of a neon sign depends on various factors, including the quality of materials used, the operating conditions, and how well it’s maintained. Typically, neon signs can last anywhere from 8 to 15 years or even longer.

Here are some factors that can affect the lifespan of a neon sign:

Quality of Components: High-quality neon signs, with well-constructed glass tubes and high-grade electrodes, tend to last longer than cheaper alternatives. Signs made with better materials and craftsmanship are more durable.

Operating Hours: The more hours a neon sign is turned on, the shorter its lifespan. Signs that are left on 24/7 will burn out faster than those used only during business hours.

Climate and Environmental Conditions: Harsh weather conditions, extreme temperatures, and exposure to moisture can shorten the lifespan of a neon sign. Signs that are exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods may also fade or deteriorate faster.

Maintenance: Regular maintenance can extend the lifespan of a neon sign. This includes cleaning the sign, checking for any broken or malfunctioning parts, and promptly addressing any issues.

Voltage and Power Fluctuations: Consistent voltage and power supply are essential for neon signs. Fluctuations in power can lead to premature burnout of the neon tubes.

Physical Damage: Accidental damage to the sign, such as breakage of the glass tubes or damage to the electrodes, can significantly impact its lifespan.

Age: Neon signs may dim over time as the gases in the tubes slowly deplete. This is a natural part of their aging process.

Frequency of On/Off Cycles: Frequent on/off cycles, such as with animated signs, can put additional stress on the electrodes and may reduce the sign’s life.

It’s important to note that advancements in technology have led to the development of LED neon signs, which have become increasingly popular. LED neon signs are often more energy-efficient and longer-lasting than traditional neon signs. Depending on the quality and usage, LED neon signs can last anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 hours or more, which is significantly longer than traditional neon signs.