Standing out in the world of outdoor recruiting is essential. With their vibrant colors and captivating glow, neon signs are an effective tool for catching the attention of candidates and making a lasting impact. It’s not just about flashiness when it comes to crafting the perfect message on your neon sign. It’s also about effectiveness. Here’s a quick guide to help create compelling neon signs that will elevate your recruitment efforts.

The use of neon signs is not only a way to look retro, but also a method for attracting attention. Here are some reasons why they work.
1. Even at night, neon signs are easily visible. They are a great way to cut through the visual noise.
2. Your message will be more memorable thanks to the unique glow of neon signs.
3. **Aesthetics** Neon lights create an ambiance that can enhance the appeal of a message.

## Crafting the Perfect Message

### 1. Keep it simple and clear

Your neon sign must communicate your message clearly and quickly. Your sign should be easy to understand and read by passersby within seconds.
Join Our Team!

### 2. Highlight the Opportunity

Be clear about what you’re offering. Is this a job offer? Is it a job? A volunteer opportunity? Use words to clearly describe your position or call to action.
**Example**: “Now Hiring: Sales Associates”

### 3. Create a sense of urgency

Create a sense urgency to encourage immediate action. Use words such as “now”, “today” or “urgent”.
**Example**: “Apply Today! “

### 4. Include an Action Call

Tell them what you expect of them. You could tell them to visit a website or attend a recruitment event.
**Example**: “Visit”

### 5. Use Engaging Language

Make your message inviting and engaging. Join, be part of and team words like these can help create a community feeling.
Example: “Be a part of our success! “

### 6. Take into consideration Your brand voice

The neon sign you choose should be a reflection of your brand and company culture. Let your message reflect your playful, creative brand.
Example: “Dream Job Ahead!” “

## Design Tips

1. **Color Choices**: Different colors evoke different emotions. Blue, for example, can represent professionalism and trust, while red may indicate excitement or urgency.
2. **Font Style** Choose a font which is easily readable at a distance. Avoid fonts that are too complex.
3. **Size and Positioning**: Make sure your sign is big enough to be visible from the area where you anticipate your audience will be. It should be placed in an area with high traffic.

## Examples of Effective Neon Signs

### For Tech Startups

**Message**: “Innovators Wanted! “
**CTA**: “Join Us at”
**Design** Bright blue neon font with a modern design.

### For Retail

**Message**: “Now Hiring! “
**CTA**: “Apply Inside Today”
**Design** : Bold neon red with a clear and readable font.

### For Restaurants

We’re hiring chefs!
**CTA**: “Visit”
**Design** : Yellow neon warm with a playful typeface.

### For Corporate Offices

**Message**: “Your Career Starts Here”
**CTA**: “Apply at”
**Design** Professional white or neon font with a clean, sleek design.

## Final Thoughts

Your neon sign represents more than your company. It’s also a way to attract new talent. You can make your recruitment efforts stand out by crafting a message that is clear, compelling, and visually appealing. What should you put on your neon sign then? What should you write on your neon sign?
The right words in neon can help you find your next great employee.