Lighting is a key factor in transforming your bedroom from a sterile, uninviting space into one that’s cozy and inviting. With their bright glow and personal touch, neon signs have become popular bedroom decor. These signs are a great way to set the mood and express yourself. They also add a stylish flair to any room. We explore the 20 most comfortable neon signs for your bedroom.

The “Dream”, a classic, is perfect to instill a feeling of relaxation and ambition. The gentle glow of the “Dream” neon sign is perfect for relaxing after a hard day.

Good Vibes only

Promote positivity by using a “Good Vibes Only”. This message will lift your spirits and create a positive atmosphere in your room.


A “Love” sign is a simple yet powerful way to add a romantic touch to any space. Ideal for creating a loving and warm atmosphere.


Signs with stars can transform your bedroom into an enchanting retreat. Star-shaped neon lights can create a sense wonder, whether they are scattered or arranged in a constellation.


A crescent neon sign will complement your starry evening. This soothing light will enhance a celestial themed bedroom.


The “Peace”, neon sign is ideal for creating a calm and tranquil bedroom where you can escape from the daily chaos.


Set the mood for relaxation by using a “Chill’ neon sign. The message of relaxation can create a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom.

Sweet Dreams

This charming sign will help you have sweet dreams at night. This sign is perfect for encouraging a pleasant and restful sleep.

Hello Gorgeous

A “Hello Gorgeous!” neon sign can boost your self-esteem in the morning. This positive message will help you start the day off right.

Stay Wild

Signs that say “Stay Wild”, will inspire your adventurous spirit. This sign adds a bit of boldness to your life and inspires you to pursue your passions and dreams.

Be Happy

The “Be Happy” sign serves as a reminder to be positive and focus on happiness. The bright, cheerful light of the sign can instantly lift your spirits.

Custom name

You can personalize your room with a neon name sign. This is a special and unique way to personalize your bedroom.


A “XO” symbol is a great way to show your love and affection. This minimalist design will add a loving and sweet touch to any decor.


A neon sign of a heart symbolizes warmth and love. It’s timeless, whether it comes in a bright red or a soothing pastel.


A “Sweet”, neon sign will help you embrace sweetness. The playful design will add an element of fun and lightheartedness to any room.


Use a neon light to capture the beauty of sunsets. The warm colors can create an inviting and relaxing atmosphere.


A “Shhh …”” neon sign is perfect for those who enjoy their quiet time. It sets the mood for peaceful, uninterrupted sleep.

You & Me

Celebrate your friendship with a sign that says “You & Me”. This is a wonderful addition for couples who want to highlight their relationship.


Signs that say “Wanderlust”, will fuel your passion for adventure and travel. This sign can be used to inspire future explorations and journeys.


A “Believe’ neon sign can help to instill a positive mindset. Its positive message is sure to inspire optimism and confidence.

What to Look for When Choosing the Right Neon Signs for Your Bedroom
Consider the following when choosing a neon sign to decorate your bedroom:
Size & Placement: Make sure the sign is a good fit for your space. Consider placing the sign above your bed, near a reading area, or on a feature-wall.
Color: Select a color to complement your bedroom decor.
Message Choose a message that you resonate with and will bring positive energy into your room.
Brightness Choose a sign that has a brightness adjustment to create the perfect mood at different times during the day.
Final Thoughts
The use of neon signs in the bedroom is more than just a trendy piece. They’re also a great way to express yourself and create an ambiance that you enjoy. There’s a sign for every space, whether you want a message of motivation, a romantic symbol or a funky design. Browse these 20 top options to illuminate your bedroom in warmth and style.