The selection of a suitable neon space depends on various factors, including the desired atmosphere, purpose, and safety considerations. Here are some precautions that can help you choose the appropriate neon light space:

Environment and purpose:

Decorative emphasis: Neon lights have a good effect in creating spaces full of vitality and visual impact in bars, restaurants, or entertainment venues.

Art expression: Neon lights can be used for art installations, galleries, or creative spaces to enhance visual appeal and convey specific artistic messages.

Commercial space: Neon signs are often used in storefronts or commercial venues to attract attention and shape a unique brand image.


Visibility and Location:

led neon sign for Business

High traffic areas: Install neon lights in high traffic areas where they can be easily seen, such as near the entrance or in the center.

Night visibility: Neon lights are particularly effective at night, so it is important to consider spaces that emit light in the dark.

Internal And External:

Indoor space: Neon lights are commonly used for interior decoration. Consider spaces such as rest rooms, game rooms, or themed interiors.

External space: Neon signs can also be used outdoors, but they need to be weather resistant and protected from adverse weather conditions.

Aesthetic Compatibility:

Complementary design: Choose a space where neon lights complement the overall design and theme of the environment, increasing aesthetic appeal.